‘Ask for Angela’ Evaluation FAQs

How to use this webpage:

This webpage has been created to provide you with additional information about the evaluation of the Ask for Angela pilot which has taken place in your facility, including important dates which you will need to take action on.

We have also listed some FAQs to provide you with additional context on the pilot and help to answer any queries or concerns you may have about being involved in the evaluation.


Evaluation context:

  • ukactive and Sport England have appointed Walnut Unlimited, an independent market research company, to evaluate the introduction of the ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative in your fitness and leisure centre.
  • The implementation of ‘Ask for Angela’ is initially being trialled as a pilot within a limited number of facilities, with the aim to roll it out nationally later this year. This project forms part of a broader sector-wide project, Safer Spaces to Move.


What is the Safer Spaces to Move project?

  • Safer Spaces to Move is a two-year funded project in partnership with Sport England’s This Girl Can team and ukactive to support and drive a reduction in personal safety concerns and negative experiences within gyms, fitness, and leisure facilities.


  • ukactive is the membership organisation representing the fitness, leisure and wider physical activity sector.


  • This Girl Can (launched in 2015) is Sport England’s award-winning national campaign to build women and girls’ confidence to be active.


  • The trial of the ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative has been created with additional support from Safer Business Network, Metropolitan Police and the Mayor of London.

What is involved in the evaluation of this pilot?

As part of the evaluation, there will be two surveys distributed to capture feedback and learnings; one survey will be sent to facility staff and one survey will be sent to members of the facility.

Phase 1 Sites: Anytime Fitness, Lampton Leisure

  • Members will receive an email from their facility on Monday 22nd April containing a link to complete the survey.
  • Members will receive a reminder email on Wednesday 1st May.

Phase 2 Sites: Nuffield Health

  • Members will receive an email from their facility on Monday 20th May containing a link to complete the survey.
  • Members will receive a reminder email on Monday 3rd June.

Why are we surveying staff and members of the pilot sites?

The surveys will help us to understand the success and impact of the pilot – what is working, what isn’t working, what impact it has had, and what (if anything) we need to change prior to the national rollout of the ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative later this year.

Who will be collecting the data?

The data will be collected by our evaluation partner, Walnut Unlimited, an independent market research agency. You can find out more about Walnut here:  https://walnutunlimited.com/.

If required, you can verify Walnut as a member of the Market Research Society (MRS), confirming that their guidelines will be followed when carrying out any research, on the following website: https://www.mrs.org.uk/standards/online-register.

Why have I been invited to take part in this survey?

You have been invited to take part in this survey as you are a member at one of the fitness and leisure centres that has taken part in the ‘Ask for Angela’ pilot, and we would like to hear your feedback.

What does the survey involve?

The survey should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. You will be asked about your knowledge of sexual harassment and intimidation, your awareness and perceptions of the different ‘Ask for Angela’ project materials, and your thoughts on any impacts of the project.

Whilst we will not ask about your own personal experiences, we understand that sexual harassment and intimidation can be a sensitive topic and may be uncomfortable for some people to discuss. It is important to remember that taking part in the survey is voluntary and you do not have to respond to questions if you would prefer not to. All your responses will be confidential and anonymous.

Will any personal information be collected?

We will collect data on age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic grade. This data will be kept private and confidential, and all data will be anonymised. You will be free to withdraw your participation at any time. Walnut Unlimited follow the Market Research Society’s code of conduct, and details of how they collect, use and protect your data can be found here: https://walnutunlimited.com/privacy-and-cookie-policy/

What should I do if I have further questions?

If you, or any of your staff or customers, have questions about the surveys, or would like to find out more information about the research, please contact the Walnut research team at SSTMevaluation@walnutsurveys.com or Giorgia Brennan, (Programme Manager) at ukactive giorgiabrennan@ukactive.org.uk.